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M40G is a variant of M40 that includes a bigger flywheel companion (part number 380606, which is also available for the M30) to reduce vibrations. It is introduced on the P 220 during model year 1967 from ch.-no. 53957 and on the P 130 during model year 1968 from ch.-no. 296543 on cars with the M30 (i.e. Favorit) and from ch.-no. 296129 on cars with M40 (i.e. 121 and 122 S).

Hallo Piet,

falls Du einen Amazon zwischen Sommer 1968 und Sommer 1969 mit einer FIN > 296129 besitzt bist Du gunvorkonform besonders vibrationsarm unterwegs...

Editiert am Sat 25. May. 2019, 17:27:56 von Ali Mente

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