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Das VKB Exhibition Team der Klassieker VOLVO Vereniging schreibt:

Klassieker Beurs
25 & 26 september 2021
Is cancelled!

Due to some positive reports around Corona, the VKB team had already started carefully with preparations for the 29th Volvo Classic Fair in the Autotron, which was again to take place in the last weekend of September (25 and 26 September 2021).

The crisis caused by the Corona Covid-19 virus has gripped us all for over a year now. Vaccination is slow and the number of infections is steadily rising again at the time of writing. During this period it is still not allowed to organize meetings of any kind and certainly not an event that attracts more than 4000 visitors.

After careful consideration, the board of the Volvo Classic Fair has unfortunately once again had to decide not to let the fair take place in 2021.

The next fair will take place in the last weekend of September 2022, the theme remains the same: “VOLVO’S IN THE MEDIA”

We wish everyone a lot of strength in these difficult times and will keep you informed via the VKM, but certainly also via our website

We would like to see you again in 2022 as a visitor or as a participant at the largest Volvo classic car fair in Europe in the Autotron in Rosmalen! Then together we will turn it into an unforgettable fair.

With best regards,
On behalf of the VKB Exhibition Team,
Richard Janssen
Editiert am Tue 6. Apr. 2021, 11:02:58 von Jean
1800E (1971) - 122S (1964) - PV 54408 (1960) - 780 (1988, 1991)

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