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der nächstjährige Termin ist der 30.August bis 1.Sept.2019.
Auszug :
Rømø Motor Festival
20. Oktober ·

BREAKING: Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour to announce that we race again on Lakolk Beach, Rømø, Denmark, 31. AUGUST 2019! We celebrate 100 years of Danish beachracing, starting almost to the day on nearby Island of Fanø in 1919.
So get your accomodation booked, start repairing your rigs and look forward to some Fun, Free and Fantastic days next year.
The racecamp in Skærbæk will be open 30. AUGUST - 1. SEPTEMBER. With bands, brew and great ambience.
See ya racefans!

Specific info for those who will be staying at the camp, at the party, will come. This year it will be possible to book camping space - But info will come, please have patience

Editiert am Sun 25. Nov. 2018, 11:40:53 von RKV

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