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Before I introduce myself, I would like you to read this message from my publisher:

Niederländischen Verlag ist auf der Suche nach neuem Material über Volvo für in Kürze zu erscheinenden Buch. Wir sind interessiert an alle informationen wie ; Alte Urlaubsfotos, Fotos des Volvo im täglichen Gebrauch, Verkaufsunterlagen, Basteln mit Volvo Cars, besondere Volvos oder unter besonderen Umständen, Anekdoten und Geschichten, Volvo im Motorsport und Ausrüstung Händler und Importeure.

Wir sind auf der Suche nach Material aus allen Ländern der Welt und alles ist willkommen!

Vielen Dank

As my German is kind of rusty, allow me to proceed in English. My name is Rob Passchier. I am a Volvo driver from the Netherlands, writing the above mentioned book on Volvo's around the globe. The book will be written in Dutch, but hopefully, there will be an English translation as well and, if it's up to me, a German one.If all goes well, the Dutch version will be in the shops by the end of 2013.

The book will be about the cars and the people who drive them, repair them, restore them, cherish them, wear them out. I'm looking for amazing, funny, peculiar, touching stories. Stories about restorations, road trips, vacations, Volvo's that saved lives. Stories about families that live and breathe Volvo. Snapshots from the past and the present, with all kinds of classic or almost classic Volvo's on them. Snapshots with a story and stories with a snapshot.

I'm also looking for unique promotional material, news stories fromback in the day, stories about ancient Volvo dealers. And I'm even looking for things I don't yet know I'm looking for. The main thing is, that it's about classic Volvo's and it's worth reading about.

I'm hoping to write a unique book, but I can't do it alone. I hope you can help me find the stories I'm looking for. So if you think you have something to tell that the whole world should know, please reply to this post or e-mail me at

You can find some information about the forthcoming publication on Or you can check out the publishers' website:

Thank you very much in advance, hoping to hear from you and many other Volvo lovers soon!

Here's a picture of my Volvo:

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